Focus Trends: The experience and revolution of machines

Today we close our tribute to the trends that change the focus with the last two: the machine revolution and the investment in experience.

The machine revolution

More and more technology is available to streamline processes in a restaurant, from helping staff become more efficient to improving the overall guest experience.

The service is simple: restaurants that fail to adopt this rise of technology will experience tougher competition with restaurants that embrace it.

Why; Restaurants that optimize their work with technology will reach more people with a more consistent result, keeping staff happy, serving tables faster, saving money and generating more revenue.

Suffice it to say that over 80% of consumers browse applications before deciding to exit . 61% say that tablet waiters enrich their culinary experience.

It is important to note that it is not possible for every restaurant to need every piece of technology that exists in order to modernize. Entrepreneurs should carefully choose the technology that is accessible to them and enhances the team’s ability to serve its visitors in the most optimal way.

Technology is going to be a big challenge for modern restaurants.

Balancing the desire of visitors for quick, immediate access to healthy and quality meal options, along with personalized and professional tasting experiences, is not easy. How you combine the two is rather a headache.

With the rise of options offered by famous chains, such as Amazon Go, or delivery via drone and other payment services based on electronic applications, they have trained consumers to satisfy their desires immediately, easily, accessibly and without time limits. Although it looks like a distant future for Greece, its design requires time and strategy for the first to adopt technological developments.

The owners of smart restaurants would be wise to pay attention to this trend and offer similar options to the guests alongside the traditional model, without endangering their brand.

Investing in experience

It is a misconception that experience is only the service and the quality acceptable meal. The experience is offered in every approach of the company to the customer and is one of the most modern trends that seems to be only upward. From the contact on social media , the booking process, the atmosphere and the way of service, to the food, the departure of the customer and the impact that every move had on him, is defined as an experience.

Certainly social media is a big part that businesses around the world are rushing to take advantage of, with Instagram, snapchat and tripadvisor in mind. Thus, we discover more and more companies that change their model in order to increase the electronic expectations of their customers. Entire businesses were set up with their food being snapped, shared and liked, while part of the experience was designed specifically for mobile applications and less for the customer experience itself. Of course, the overexertion of the appearance has led to the opposite results from the desired, with the quality playing a less important role than the image or the process of arranging the food.

However, from appearing to becoming and feeling there are many steps a company can take to innovate to differentiate itself. After all, the older generations do not show so much the need to appear, they are rather in the need to feel or the social / psychological extension of becoming.

Thus, the experience achieves different returns with meaning, as long as the company understands its purpose and the profile of its customers, what they want and how this represents their brand.

Every change, however, must follow a strategy, both in its design and in its execution, without the need for violent changes or adjustments.


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