What effect does music have on a restaurant?

After so much research on the effect of background music on customer behavior there is no doubt that it can have a huge impact on sales and profits. Research shows that when it comes to buying a market, consumers respond to more stimuli than the product or service itself.

Effect of music on restaurant customers

To increase their knowledge of the effect of music on restaurants, researchers contacted a medium-sized restaurant in Dallas, Texas.

This restaurant had above average prices, was of somewhat high quality and was aimed at middle-aged people with above average incomes. The study lasted 8 weeks and studied various activities that take place in a restaurant and the effect under different genres, rhythms / speed and volume of music.

The results showed the following:

Serving time was influenced by music

At low tempos (slower music beats) it took an average of 29 minutes to serve customers while at faster speeds it took 27 minutes. The difference is two minutes and is considered significant, considering that it was only influenced by the music.

The time spent by customers at the table was influenced by the music

With slow music the customers stayed at their table for an average of 56 minutes while with fast 45!

The average waiting time was influenced by the music.

With slow music the average waiting time was 47 minutes.
With fast it was 34 minutes

Effect of music on customers who left before sitting at a table

854 entered the study restaurant during these 8 weeks during slow music. 764 of them remained and 90 left before finding a table.
714 customers entered while the music was fast paced 628 of them stayed and 86 left before being served.
The difference in this experiment is not significant.

Effect of music on the amount spent on food.

Slow tempo: $ 55.81
Fast tempo: $ 55.12
The difference is insignificant

Effect of music on the amount spent on a drink.

Slow tempo: $ 30.47
Fast tempo: $ 21.62
The difference is very important!


We will not try to draw conclusions on your behalf because we can not make the reduction to your needs. A company may want to maximize customer stay time for its own reasons (eg to look constantly crowded) or vice versa, it may want to reduce stay time because it has too many customers.

The above results are indicative and show a trend. It is not certain that this will work exactly for all ages and all financial groups of customers. Their analysis and interpretation is the responsibility of each interested individual. But the sure thing that eventually emerges from any such research (and we have read several) is that music and all the elements that determine the environment where the transaction with the consumer will take place, has an impact on his behavior. In fact, if we consider the decisive effect it has on our brand, we will see that it is a very serious matter to leave it to chance.

Source: beeradio.gr

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